Machine Connectivity with SAP DM(C)

12. April 2023

Revolutionize Your Machine Connectivity in SAP Digital Manufacturing 🤖 🚀

As a part of our SAP ME to SAP DM(C) conversion in our part of the TU Wien Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0, one topic that we wanted to extend was machine connectivity. So, we connected a MaxxMill 4000 CNC machine to the cloud ☁️ It was a surprisingly straight forward compared to the OnPremise systems.

In the SAP ME environment integrating machines was done with MII transactions. This meant that you had to develop everything every time. In the DM once you configure the connection to SAP PCo through SAP Cloud Connector, you are good to go 👌 You can create your OPC UA Service Provider directly in the DM.

In Digital Manufacturing you can then connect your equipment to its real-life counterpart using the Equipment Connectivity capability of SAP DM. It is really simple ➡️ Just select the indicator that you want to map and browse in the OPC UA structure to find the node that corresponds to it.

After the equipment is connected, you can use it all related functionality of SAP DM. Create a dashboard with the live data of the rotation speed of the drill with DMCI or add an Automatic Tigger to it if the temperature reaches a critical point 🌡 From the other direction if you want to send data to the machine you can create a production process and add it to a button in the POD ✅

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